Before everyone starts hating on me let me say, I enjoy bacon a
great deal. It is very tasty and there are quite a few things that are improved
by adding bacon. I had some bacon wrapped pork chops the other night that were
simply incredible. I am not discouraging anyone from eating bacon or loving
bacon, well maybe I am just a little.
People have gone seriously nuts with the bacon. In under 2 minutes
of Google searching I came across more than one online store entirely centered
on bacon, a blog entirely about bacon, a bra made of bacon, condoms made of
bacon, a coffee mug made of bacon, and so much more. This is just stupid and
weird. Bacon is very tasty, no doubt, but it has got to make a rather
unsupportive bra, a pretty ineffective condom, and it baffles me that the
economy can support multiple business entirely centered around selling people
bacon related products. Why are we blogging about bacon? Why are we making
socks with bacon prints? (If
I was good at interneting I would provide links to these things, but I am not
good at the internets so you’ll have to Google bacon on your own.)
Via Pinterest you can find ways to add bacon to just about any
other food. Why? Is bacon that good? Well yes, yes it is. But that is not my
My real point is that a bacon culture has sprung up. People at
almost every age are now being told from the internet, television and even
radio that bacon is amazing. That bacon is the best food ever and we should all
eat more of it and think about it and own as many bacon related things as
possible because bacon makes you happy and will lead to a better more fulfilled
Why am I bothered by this? Bacon is really bad for you. It seems
like we have just made a very profitable fad out of advocating a food that
directly aids the leading cause of death in the US: heart disease.
A consistent bacon habit is really not very good for you. And with
heart disease being the leading cause of death in this country, shouldn’t we be
a bit more concerned at bacon’s current popularity and social status.
Am I the only crazy person that sees advertising, toys, books,
clothes, etc. related to bacon and think “this reminds me of cigarette ads
aimed at kids”. Is that too far? Camel Joe eating bacon and looking really cool
in his sunglasses? OK maybe I’m the only one. Obviously bacon is not as bad as
smoking. But we have made a very unhealthy food extremely cool.
That said, I smoke and eat bacon. I’m just wondering if we should
be a little more conscientious about the things we make cool. Do we have a
social responsibility not to make kids think that unhealthy things are cool and
the best? Not sure, but really interested to see if anyone else has thought
about this.
I read this and couldn't help think about Andy Rooney (sp?) at the end of 60 minutes...